
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Reclaim Day....

Reclaim Day...
So reclaiming clay is the process of taking a clay body that you can no longer use into usable clay once more.  Usually the issue is the clay is too hard or dry, though it can be because it was overworked and is now saturated with water. Simply put, this is that process that allows you at any time until firing to take clay and returning into a workable product.

I have talked before about why a pugmill verses other methods of reclaiming. So I won't repeat this. The nice part is that you don't have to have helpers, you really can easily to smaller batches on your own. But, as with most things, help is worthwhile and fun.

In the end, we reclaimed more than 180# of clay. It is a mix of clay, and so it is not pure buff and is mildly grogged.  It is a Mid-Range, High Fire Clay (as it it is the typical ^6 clay)

This can be fired from ^4 to about ^7 verses High-Range, High Fire Clay which is fired ^10 to about ^12 or so.

We will use this for our Open Studio Night, to make bowls for Empty Bowls.  We will also sell clay at Cup & Bowl for $10 a bag (typical 25# bag). But Cup & Bowl will continue to sell Laguna B-Mix (^6) as well for $15.

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