
Saturday, September 22, 2012


Ok for the very few of you that look at this and are not pottery people.. reclaim.
Part of the great metaphor of working with clay is that it is NOT over until it is fired.  At anytime prior to firing it can be returned to its original state.. dirt and mud.  Reclaiming is what you do with all the dried clay you have.

Now you have dry clay because you trimmed pots, or dead pots, or just odds and ends. So you can make sure they are totally dry, reintroduce water, blend it smooth, and dry out to the right consistency so you can use it again.  It takes some work to make sure that you get this level of consistency and that really is the work involved in reclaiming.

I took a bunch of pictures of the process with Kuky's camera. But what is posted here is of my clay and a pic that they took of me when I was not working.  My clay is a mix of all the various clays I have worked with and it created a milk chocolate brown colored clay.  I predict it will be a dark warm brown when fired in oxidation.

It is sitting at the cup and bowl right now, I will check it tomorrow to see if it dried out enough to put in bags.

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