
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

In Progress

These are all in progress but ready to be bisques and then Soda Fired.

This is the Sake Set with the cups trimmed up.  I may need to sand a bit but we are good.

This is the container to hold cooked rice. You can see the notch to allow for a spoon.

If you look close you can see a color difference at the bottom of the handle.  This is due to me adding paper clay as the handle started to pull off.

The jar... well I did not do a new picture of the jar. However it seems the lid has sealed onto the jar.  I hope this is not an issue, I think in Bisque it will separate... I hope....


Porcelain, it's a lot easier to throw now.  I am not throwing extremely thin, but this is functional ware and so that is not really an option. All of these, if everything works out, will go into the soda firing.

So this is a lidded container with an odd lid. This is totally untrimmed. I did clean up the lid a bit.

This is a rice container, think Asian Restaurant when they bring you steamed rice. That is a lid next to it. I need to cut a notch out for the spoon and then clean up the lid and bottom a bit.


This is the Sake set.  Cups need to be trimmed, they were thrown off the hump.  the serving bottle is below as well. Traditionally such sets are really only for two, sometimes three. So I did it for two.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Out of Laura's Kiln

So I did the outside with Rutile Green.

The inside is with Amber.
This was palate with white slip on SB-Red.  It was decorated with iron oxide and Chrome Oxide. The glaze is Fuzzy White.

 This is Porcelain slab plates in Celadon with Iron Oxide designs.

There were four Porcelain mugs, different handles on each. But all done in Celadon with Rutile Green on the handle. You really can't tell that though.

Here we have my kiln god, made from paper clay.
the pot is from Reclaim Clay, white slip and then decorated with underglaze. The plants are blue and purple, though they look like blue only. The "ground" was orange, though it comes out relatively red. The glaze over it is Fuzzy White.

This is fuzzy white on the outside with iron oxide decoration. The inside is Amber.

Soda Kiln

So this is (almost) all of the parts I need to make the kiln functional.

I still need to purchase two connectors so I can move the gas from the tank to the hose.  

Next I remove all of the wiring on the kiln
then I cut holes on the bottom for the burners, the top for a flue and then open the side peep holes better for soda (adding one on the opposite side).

Finally I create out of soft brick plugs for the openings.

At this point the kiln is ready to fire....
Cones, Kiln Shelves, soda sprayer... it has all been collected already.

I am aiming to make the changes to the Kiln Nov 23rd and a soda firing Dec 7th.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Another Pot Selling Event

So for reasons I won't go into...

I was not able to get all my new stuff bisque fired. Further, I damaged a lid.  But due to the help of a friend I am getting the pieces that were fired, glaze fired.
Due to the time crunch... I will take the pictures actually at the event I am selling them at.

I am the most excited about the porcelain mugs with Celadon and Rutile Green on them.  In my head it seemed like a good balance, we will see.

So this weekend I will be selling pots again at a gathering with two friends.  After this it is the move to get the rest of the Christmas stuff done.  I really need to be able to put stuff in the studio for the general Christmas sale.  I think, like last year, I will simply make and make and after the fact decide what is gifts and to whom.

On a positive, I was called and told my missing burner might show up today. So that will allow me to build the Soda Kiln after all this damn time. Only five months behind what I first thought.  I also have two versions, in my head, of a down draft kiln to build.  I don't know if I want to make the jump to pure brick or not. Either way, I need some more cash to put into this project.  I think I need to get the Soda Kiln (an updraft) running and show everyone what we can do with this, and then maybe just pass the hat to build the next project.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Not a Great Day

Hard to throw sometimes, especially if not feeling real centered.  I was handed down some porcelain. It was a bit too hard for me to throw.  Things did not turn out so well, so I made  a short day of it. If I can't get in the rhythm, it's not going to get better. 

Problem, I have a show coming up and I really need more things done. I am on a time crunch to get them made, so I can bisque and then glaze.  If I felt more sure about my once fire process I would just do that, but I don't want to risk pots that I need.

If you are wondering about the random lumps of clay... they are supporting the handle so they can stay in place and dry evenly with the mugs.

This is the reclaim, with a bit of the "dead pots" from today wedged in.