
Monday, March 24, 2014

Kiln Building... current thoughts

So there is this issue I have had with kilns. We planned on building one but the cost was just so far away from what we could do in any reasonable amount of time.  This was before the economy tanked. Now We are living paycheck to paycheck so this really isn't an option at all.
We were looking at a Joe Finch kiln, following his book

But this is large and we need a lot of bricks, far more than we could beg and borrow.  I have not given up, but it is an "not now" kiln.  This is really the kiln I really really want us to have. This would be wood and gas.

Now we are talking about a more rectangle design that would allow us to do wood firings.  We need about 137 bricks to make that happen.  It is not too different from the kiln design Steve Booton has made.  He does great work and shows his kiln building on his youtube teaching videos.  He was firing to ^10 with this.

But, there is a Jack Doherty design for a propane fired catenary arch soda kiln.  I don't know if he is still using it but he was firing to ^10 with this.

Now here is the deal... the Doherty Catenary Arch Kiln, it uses a lot of castable rather than actual soft bricks.  Further, he is using propane which is much more acceptable to me.  I need 2 GACO Venturi MR-750 Burners at about $270 a piece. That is the burner I would want for any of these. But that is a cost issue.  I also need some concrete blocks for the base. And i would be good have lay cement to level as the ground level for this.

then there is the bricks again... the Soft Bricks we need are about $5 a brick... x over 100... and then shipping... ya...

but Doherty is using castable and even making his own brick. This, I think we can do. And I think we can do it at a much lower price!
2 parts Fire Clay
2 parts Saw Dust
2 parts Grog
1/2 part Alumina
1/2 part Cement
He then fired the bricks to 1,000*C (about ^05).
If this works... we can slowly build up the amount of bricks we have and work our way up to having enough to do some kiln work.  I still need cash, but not as much.


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