
Monday, March 31, 2014

Here is Denver

Denver's Urn.  Porcelain, simple iron oxide designs.  Slight orange and peach flashing due to the soda kiln.  Simple, very simple.  This will go to Santa Fe to stay there in the house. She loved to travel to Santa Fe with Me, Caleb and Zeke.

I put her ashes in, and had painted glaze inside the rim so the lid sealed.  I was fine.  It was much more emotional pulling it from the kiln and seeing how it came out.

My Newest Work out of the Soda Kiln

So here is my work from the Soda Fire.  I wish I knew exactly what I did to get the results I did in this firing.  Some is the amount of soda I suspect.  But I also threw everything into a very heavy reduction as well.  I believe all of the clay was ^6 Speckled Buff from Laguna Clay.  Not a lot of soda so in general we got flashing and a dry look, rather than orange peel.  I am so very ok with that this time.


This is a small bowls, inside is Rutile. there were some marks with dark slip that did not show up.  The outside is Malcolm Davis Shino.

Rutile inside of the bottle and the cups.  the outside has a streak of white slip and then a streak of Blue Fur glaze.

This is Rutile inside and very thin Waterfall Brown on the outside.

This is Rutile inside and the outer rim is a thin Waterfall Brown, hitting only the shoulder of the bottle. There is white slip on the outside with some carving into the slip to expose the brown body.

These were slipped with a dark Iron Oxide slip.  This is the same batch of chalices from the oxidation firing.  Here there is Celadon on the inside and Blue Fur on the rim.  I cannot explain the almost violet inside on one and typical Celadon on the other.  I am imagining a flashing effect from a glaze on another piece.

This is a tea set.  Prior post you can see damage done to one of the little mugs.  If you go far back enough you can see the request was to recreate a mug.  The inside is my Chun Blue, not my favorite but wow here it is Matte and it is much darker.  More interesting by far.  The outside was a thin layer of Raw Sienna.

The Soda Firing...

Ok, here is the general post.  Here is the kiln opening and pix of tother peoples work as well as mine. there will need to be some minor grinding due to fly ash and soda.

I will post more about the test tiles later and show what it looks like in reduction verses oxidation.  But this was one flaw.  This tile fell over and stuck to my mug.  This is Tile #4-Egg Shell.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

today... arg...

So this was very well planned out but three issues.
Hardly anybody came, so with minimal help (along with the other two issues) we were unable to make all the clay we had planned on.

other issue, fights with the pug mill. We solved them, but that slowed us down.
And finally, the sprayer.  We got it working well enough but it is not fixed.  We were unable to add the amount of soda planned on. So I am not totally happy with this.

But... we fire on...
Here is all the pieces that were sent to me (or made by me) for the Soda Firing:

Here is Jess working on a last bit of underglaze for the firing.

This firing also had the ashes of Denver.

I glazed the inside of the lid so it can seal up.

This is Soda in hot water.

So there are all the cook kiln firing pictures.  I will let this cool and open it tomorrow maybe in the morning.