
Saturday, January 17, 2015


so here we go.

Below are two jars, a red clay with a white slip on top.  I then carved into the slip.  This is greenware and will hopefully be dried and bisqued before the 25th.  I am planning on a Soda Firing January 25th.

And other wish. I want to have a wheel like this.  It is a Korean Style Kickwheel. But you really can't buy them, or at least not in the states.  I have a buddy that might be able to make one. But anyway, I would really like one!!  You can see this is a shot off IG, an Joel Cherrico is a potter who is pretty impressive and his work is done on this type of wheel.

And lastly, I would like my studio to be functional. And.. I may have found a plan that will get it moving. The kick wheel and pug mill will be moved inside and I lose a dinning room out of our house.  I think the guys will be free in three days to do the heavy (and it's damned heavy) lifting. If so... well I get workspace and can use my wheel again!  And I can go back to making clay, which stopped due to the winter.

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