
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Current Greenware and preparing for January!

So, this month I will start lead teaching a class for the local museum.  It is called "Hands On History" and is an after school program.  I will be teaching ceramics and history with a group of K-5th grade.

I am also gearing up for another firing. This will be a light soda, heavy reduction firing. To get this right I will remove the side burner, and therefore remove a ring from the kiln.  This side burner does not allow me to add enough flame in when I throw into reduction.  It is a light reduction but not a heavy one.  I may change how I am doing the initial state of firing, I am uncertain at this point.  Also, I need to add cartable to repair the kiln floor before I use the side burner port to add soda.  So this time I will spray only.

Here were two pieces I refired from the last soda fire. I refired via oxidation.  The soda got very very glossy, that was unexpected. But it did fix my problem of having too much soda piled inside the pieces.

This is a run of mugs and a few pitchers. The mugs are slipped. I will do some slip design on them and then fire some bare in the soda fire.

Check out the shop!  It is a work in progress. I am slowing adding items. I am trying to make sure these items are set aside for only the etsy shop so they don't end up double sold by accident!

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