
Friday, April 6, 2012

loaded the bisque kiln...

I went yesterday and helped load the bisque kiln at 1pm (4/4/12) and some of the pots from the last post were in it.  So learning to do the firing using the old manual skutt kiln. The one at the studio is a smaller version of what we have (still a few paychecks away from working).  But since we are still using the studio kiln for 100% of my firings... we are bisqueing everything. Bleh!!  Soon I will dump the bisque fire and do only single fire....

Of course once we really get going we will have a kiln built in the back yard (gas/wood hybrid)... so Pikachu promises.  Once we have that we will be able to soda fire as well!!!  (again single fire!!)....

Oh well,  being patient.  One step at a time.  After all I have a wheel, a slab roller... and I have conquered the entire garage and made it a functional studio!!

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