The day before I glazed all of my pieces below, ready for the soda fire. The day I fired off the kiln I glazed a mug (unexpected sale and christmas gift). While firing I glazed the rest of my bisque, so at this point I have no greenware and really need time to make more pieces. The holiday was more crowded with my day job than I expected.
So this morning, I and Jessi rolled wadding and loaded the kiln. Here it is getting started. We were firing shorty after 9am. This is my second firing with this design, and I had fine tuned the firing schedule for Sabrina (the soda kiln).
By 11:30 am the kiln was orange red, and was reading 726*C. I was still only using the lower burners. By 12:30 I threw the kiln in reduction and started the side burner as well.
By 1:22pm I was at 1035*C and slowed down the firing to hold. It wobbled between 1000*C and 1061*C for the next hour. By 3pm, I opened up the flue to add some power and pushed through to 1091*C very quickly.
In the meantime I prepared the Soda (one of the "hundred of uses" they talk about I guess). In all, we put in 3# of Soda in the side port in the form of "burritos" and 3# of Salt by spraying in the ports.
This is the water and salt heating up to help it dissolve.
I then checked the peeps, proceeded to burn my self like an idiot. ^5 had fallen by 3:30pm and we were at 1137*C. I knew that pretty quickly ^6 would fall as it was bending slightly already.
We opened the flue a bit, so only light reduction. We then added a few burritos through the port. We then closed the flue back to heavy reduction and turned off the side burner. To leave it on was to have flames pushing back too much out of the port. During this period we would spray. We would then repeat this process.
While the port was being used it would burn up the soda there and we would clean the sprayer so it would keep working.
If you look, you can see the fog of Soda out the flue on top. This is actually light and nothing like the huge cloud you get when you spray. This was the end. I open the flue to an oxidation state, and blasted all the burners for a good 15min. At that point I shut it all down, sealed it up and left Sabrina to cool.
A few notes. In this case I put the pieces I wanted less soda on up top, as naturally Sabrina soda's more heavy at the lower level. Also, the port I use to measure temp is towards the top. Now that is important as in many kilns there is a temperature difference top to bottom, especially given the burners are on the bottom. In this case that is about 100*C difference when I measure.
Why use a pyrometer? Well only potters would ask, as the rest of folks don't know about cones. But I use the cone pack inside of ^010, ^5, ^6, ^7 to measure stages for me. But the pyrometer helps me see that I am moving up in temperature (there can be odd moments were you stall, this helps you see this very quickly). It also allows me to see how fast I am moving up (and I do have a specific ramp schedule I am attempting to achieve).
I did not hit the ramp schedule perfectly, but I did hit very close to the ideal I set out. So, the test will of course be in the pieces themselves.
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