
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Still fighting the damn kiln

Well I'm still fighting the damn kiln. It seems this is an electrical issue and so we got an electrician out there.  He found a set of issues that would explain all the issues we have had.  I am now waiting for the repair to happen.

So some firing done, some stuff a disaster.  I smashed about ten pots.  About six were set aside for a refire to see if this works. But some stuff did make it, though all of this mess.  And I was able to have some pieces of first friday.

And yes, the obligatory forced picture... and my attempt to smile...

Of course since it was First Friday, we did Raku.  I even threw in some pieces (a rare thing indeed) and did some masks.


And then, back to it. I had a bit of a break from throwing while I fought with the kilns. But now I am back into a throwing cycle.  Enough shows coming up that I really need to just keep throwing and of course hope I sell a lot of stuff!!

A large batch of clay I made.

Some small bowls.

And here are some plates. They are made as very shallow bowls. I push down the wall to almost flat. The closer to flat the better, but just a hair to hard and it all falls in...

Luckily there is a wood fire this month. I have a few pieces I need to glaze for that.  I still wait on my concrete being done.  Once that is done I can start work on the gas kiln and then negotiate to have the wood kiln built.  I admit being patient with this sort of thing is very hard.

But the start of the summer is here, and the farmers market has started and soon will several shows.  I am hoping this is a good second half of the year.

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