
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Oxidation Firing February 2015

I didn't quite realize I had 18 mugs in this pile.  I had been collecting random pieces that did not fit in past firings when I did a run of a specific item.  But then I did two small runs of mugs and got them bisqued, so when I did glaze I was just sort of surprised how much I had.

Still waiting on the fermentation crocks and flower pots to dry, big things take forever!

This Jar and Tall Pitcher are glazed in Blue Apple Ash, and are both out of a dark red clay Sandia by New Mexico Clay. So this does shift from a true blue to a deep green.  Nice runs, and shows process marks very well.  AND this was done in electric !

Here are my 18 mugs (also one tumbler).

Now I did purple or orange street inside. The outside for the slipware I used clear. The other clear we used to make (which likes to crawl) was CLEAR.  This one, with the interaction of the clay turned grey. This is not uncommon but was a bit of a surprise.  You really can see the white slip very clearly, it is a strong contrast.  It think this is in part of the dash of zircopax in the white slip.

Here I know that wiping off the orange street that runs is a big hard.  So with these I did not bother, and glazed the outside with Honey.  I really like the interaction these create and so knew that allowing for "splashes" of glaze would get me a nice look.

At this point it was getting dark, so the next few pictures are not great and are distorted by flash.  These storage jars are close to what you see in daylight though they are a bit more purple.

These are American Style Butter Dishes. Now the pictures are not great.  The Orange Street one does not quite look right and the flash made the blue come out much stronger than it is on the actual purple version.  I am not a total fan of the process I used to make these and will make them a bit different next time, this will create smaller trays so it is a bit more balanced.

Random pictures of food, well just because.  These are all on my "seconds" of the pots I have made.  Most of my pots are someone else work, or mine but seconds.  I think this is typical of most potters.

This is about 10# of the red clay. I will do some slip work on this.  It is a nice form I think and could be used as a serving bowl or even a punch bowl. BUT, it has a hole in the bottom to make it a flower pot.

As Always, check out the ETSY shop. If you see something you like in the blog (and it is recent) but not on the ETSY shop, let me know. I can get it to you.

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