
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day Three in The Tableware Set

So this is day three of creating the Tableware set.  I made more clay, you can see my helper tasted it and decided this was a good batch.

I then did a slipware design on a large plate I threw the day before, this is about 5#, compared to the 4# dinner plates.

These are 1# bowls, for soup.  I think this form screams "SOUP".

Here they are with some slipware designs. They will dry and tomorrow I will do some trimming to round off the edges.

This a small tray, to the right you can see a bat for size reference.

This is a longer tray, you see the bat to the right again for size reference.

This was 6#... then I threw more clay on top.  It is about 7#, but not really measured.

Size reference, you can not see the wheel head. To clean the bottom I had to take off the splash pan as my hands would not fit.

Another shot of this platter.

 And here we are, it dried outside a bit so I could slip design.

Tomorrow I will trim both sets of bowls, as well as the plates.  I intend to put a small shallow foot on the large bowl, but we will see if I really left enough of a bottom to do so. The small bowls will only have the edges cleaned up, as will the plates.  The platters will need a few more days of drying. I put them on bats that will allow the platter to just pop off when dry enough. I will then clean up the edges, no foot.

I have a honey glaze that is ^6. Unlike most honey I have seen (which was usually earthenware), there is no iron oxide for color but Rutile is used instead.  From what I have seen, this is just the glaze I have been looking for to create the slipware look at ^6.

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