
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Soda Glaze test

Yup yup, a test of soda glaze.  The first done at the Cup&Bowl EVER!! 

Kuky did it in an old electric kiln she converted to gas.  It was fired to a ^4, was aiming for ^5 but it didn't hit it.

The glaze was... well that is a problem. See I created a bunch of bowls for a prior project months ago. I set three aside that I glazed only the inside for the purposes of testing out the Soda Kiln, we were only in the planning stages.

Well it was so long ago, I do not remember what I did!! We looked and debated, but frankly the effect of the soda on the glaze makes it all speculation at this point.

Also note, this was speckled buff clay.  Pinkish when wet and a full with dark iron spots when fired.  Execpt that is during our typical electric (read oxidation) fire.  Soda fire is ALWAYS a reduction. Even if you don't do a lot of reduction, you get a bit of a "water reduction" due to the addition of water.

Kuky sprayed dissolved baking soda in water into the kiln.  We decided it could use more.
But look at the "sparkle" soda effect on the unglazed outside of this pot.  There you can see a clear mark of a soda fire.

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