the electronic kiln is down and so is the manual kiln. I have been working on them for days to figure what is wrong. We are finally there and I have someone trying to repair them. I am hoping within the weekend we will be back to normal. People have stuff that needs firing, I need to do a refire of all the pots that were sadly in the kiln when it would not get to temp. I am hoping they refire ok, some do and sometimes they don't so it is a roll of the dice.
Add to this, I have kiln building plans. They all hinge at this moment on getting the concrete poured. I have a buddy that says he can do it... but the rain has made this a no go for right now. Once this is done I can do the build on the cross draft kiln out of the shell of an old electric. And then finally, try to build the small wood firing kiln.
So lots of plans and feeling super stressed in trying to make it all come together. I also have the first friday. While I personally don't expect many people, I want to put forth good effort. I am making all new stuff for the show. I really don't have a "following" and really don't have many people in my life that would buy. But all the same.
So I have pots and pots drying at this point. Need to be bisqued, and finally glaze fired. June 7th is approaching quickly.
I still don't have anyone that signed up for classes. I think this turned into one of those things were people say "you really SHOULD" but did not mean they were going to support it in any meaningful fashion. That really happens a lot. So if my first day there are not students, I'll end it and use my time for my day job and earn money instead.