So some wrap up from the week. This is the earring holder. Holes punched to allow the posts to be put through.
And here is white slip on my black bowl. This is actually now in the bisque kiln. I loaded a bisque at the end of the day. Everything I made from the prior week except the large black bowl made it in.
The start of my day, making some clay. I did not weigh this but I estimate 25#-30# of clay.
So first, mugs. The clay on the left was a bit to hard and I did not end up using it. But I made mugs at 1.5# each. I then selected two that will be part of a dinner set, slip designed them, first black slip and then white slip. Finally I will pull handles tomorrow.
So these are plate, 3# each. This too is for the dinner set, but I made three so I have an extra. I did an extra as plates are not always the safest thing to make, they like to crack. Again I did slip design, first black and then white.
Here we have bowls. these are 2# each. I made them a few different shapes and then selected the two for the dinner set. I did not get a picture of the bowls with slip.
And finally we have the platter. Now this needs some explanation, as it was not totally thrown. It was designed similarly to the dinner set, though it will be sold as a separate item. First was a chuck of clay, I did not measure it, used to create a slab. The cone of clay you see there is about 3.5# for throwing the sides.
Here you can see the slab, and some stamping of leaves was put on it.
Here you have the sides thrown, only walls, no bottom.
And then, when everything was a bit firmer, I cut off the walls and put it on top of the slab. I slipped and scored to it would adhere. I then cut around the walls to leave about 1/4# border that I later pushed in.
I added some handles.
And finally I added black and white slip work to complete the look. I really should have measured it to show the size. I will try to remember once I get it fired.
So everything is drying covered at the moment. Tomorrow I will added handles and possibly by the end of the day trim bowls and plates.