
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


  So.. I am looking at making us Ramen from Scratch.. we will see. But look!  It's ramen in a bowl that I made. This was dinner.

Most of the plates are done and I need to take pix. One cracked at the edge and dripped glaze causing a bit of an issue in the Kiln.

My two platters are not yet bisqued nor is my jug or jar.  I am headed out of state on a work related matter and will not be able to deal with those until next week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hmmm.... maybe

maybe we can install a woodburning stove into the studio for the winter...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fresh Glaze

Just glazed these pieces today.  You can see the plates that I have been working on.  I have two more platters that are larger. These plates are 4# and 3#, the platters that are drying are 5#

The face is a brown clay, no glaze just some ash.  It will go in the glaze fire as is.

The missing Show and a blow up

Ok so the first is a pic of my stuff at the student show.  TADA!

Below is a pot that I posted wet on here as well.  There it is bisque fired and in the trash... you can see where the side blew out.  The question is air bubble or wet spot?  I don't know, but I really liked that pot.  Bleh...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Angie's big pot

This is angie's big pot!


Zeke took these pictures so they are much better.

Ok so I 100% missed the "student show" at Cup & Bowl.  Not quite sure how the time got away from us but I never made it.  This is my newest set of pots.  There are still a few glazed that are not here.  The Celedon Glaze (you can see it at work in the bowl) did NOT like the Cassius (black) clay but really liked the speckled buff.  So I need to re-glaze those bowls to get rid of the weirdness.  You can also see my big bowl I did with the white slip sponge done for texture.  I used eggshell glaze on that one like the mugs.


Ok remember these mugs?  they have been glazed now.  The glossy looking ones are "eggshell" and the matt is clear.  Usually the clear comes out much more glass like.  Not sure what happened here.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

First Fridays!

This friday (tomorrow) I and the other students are the "featured artists" at the Cup & Bowl.  I misunderstood. I thought I was bringing pieces for them to take pictures of... nope!  They will be shown!!

Plates... BETTER Plates!

Plates!!  ok these are wet shots.  some of the cuts sealed a bit once they dried.  Again this is with my phone so the shots are not good.  Zeke said he will take pictures of the glazed pots (pix of them dry are up here) with his new camera!

So these plates came out much better than my last attempts.  Trimming them (I just did a second ago) was horrible as trimming always is for me.  I have new bats that will allow me to leave the plates on the bat rather than cut them off. This will make this process a bit easier.